Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Monkeys!

Scientists believe they have discovered a new species of monkey!

Source:  "Scientists Discover New Species of Monkey Hidden Deep in Amazon Rain Forest."  Mail Online.  18 Aug. 2010.

Adorable Donkey and Pelicans

These pelicans appear to be creating their own activity.  Even animals can be bored!

Source:  "I Pinned the Tail on the Donkey!  Pair Of Asses (We Mean, Pelicans) Bully a Poor Eeyore."  Mail Online.  18 Aug. 2010.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kindness and Fairness Are Also Found in Animals!

Yes, it appears that fairness and kindness are not only human traits.

Source:  Palca, Joe.  "Monkey Business:  Fairness Isn't Just a Human Trait."  NPR.  16 Aug. 2010.

Cute Animal Pics!

OMG!  The absolute cutest animal pics!  A gallery of 35 pictures of animals of different species snuggling together!  A must see!

Source:  “Animal Odd Couples.”  The New York Daily News.  2 June 2010.

Swimming Cow!

A cow went for an adventure and a swim! 

Source:  “Hey Diddle Diddle... This Cow Jumped into the POOL.”  Mail Online.  8 June 2010.

Roar! Cologne-Loving Animals!

Lions and tigers at the Bronx Zoo in New York seem to love the fragrance “Obsession,”  I’m not surprised since one of my pooches LOVES men’s cologne.  In fact, when I put paper samples on the floor, he rubs himself all over them! 

Source:  “Obsession for Big Cats:  Scientists Find Cheetahs and Jaguars Attracted to Calvin Klein Fragrance.”  Mail Online.  8 June 2010.

A Baby Anteater!

Soooooo cute!  Check out this baby anteater!

Source:  “Clinging Tight, the Baby Anteater Who'll Spend Four Months Riding on his Mum's Back.”  Mail Online.  7 June 2010.