-Going on vacation this summer? Hotels are much more accommodating to guests traveling with their pets. Here is an article about new trends with hotels. Added: 5/29/10
Source: Robins, Sandy. “Top 10 Hotel Perks for Pets.” MSNBC. 28 May 2010.
Source: “Surf's Ruff! Canine Surfing Season Opens.” Mail Online. 24 May 2010.
-Check out this squirrel. He can give people a lesson in self-esteem...he certainly believed he could handle that food! Added: 5/24/10
Source: “Cheeky Chipmunk Has His Hands (And Mouth) Full Storing Nuts after Awaking from Hibernation.” Mail Online. 24 May 2010.
-Well, they finally figured out where the water in the jacuzzi was going...in an elephant’s belly! Check out the pics! Added: 5/24/10
Source: “Mystery of the Constantly-Draining Jacuzzi Solved as Elephant is Caught on Camera DRINKING It.” Mail Online. 24 May 2010.
-Ah...the mystery of which dog is pooping outside a Baltimore, Maryland condominium complex may be solved at last...tanks to DNA testing! (I think if you have a pooch, or any other animal you take for a walk, then you should pick up its poop!) Added: 5/22/10
Source: “Search for Pooping Dog Goes High-Tech.” UPI—Odd News. 15 May 2010.
Source: “Pig Received Voter registration Reminder.” UPI—Odd News. 12 May 2010.
Source: Schlesinger, Fay. “Our Pet is a Peacock: The Bird Who Was So Taken with a Suburban Semi That He Moved In.” Mail Online. 14 May 2010.
Source: “A-Roar-Matherapy: Zoo Treats Its Pride of Lions to the Modern-Day Spa Experience.” Mail Online. 16 May 2010.
Source: “Shear Madness: Alpaca Wool Sent to Mop Up Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill... As BP Considers Plugging Leak with Golf Balls.” Mail Online. 15 May 2010.
-Soooo cute! A leopard and a golden retriever are buddies in South Africa! Check out the pics! Added: 5/6/10
Source: “Spot the Difference: The Leopard and the Golden Retriever Who Are the Best of Friends.” Mail Online. 6 May, 2010
Source: Derbyshire, David. “Aping Around: Chimps Shake Their Heads to Mean 'No' Just Like Humans.” Mail Online. 6 May 2010.
-These pics are a must see! A family in England is comprised of a dog, a cat, and 6 little pigs...and they all get along and they love spending time together! Added: 4/10/10
Source: “And This Little Piggy ...: The Dog, the Cat, and the Six Micro-Pigs Who Share a Home Together.” Mail Online. 6 Apr. 2010.
Source: Schlesinger, Fay. “Beware of the Beaster Bunny: World's Biggest Rabbit is 4ft 3in and Weighs More Than Boy of Five.” Mail Online. 6 Apr. 2010.
-How precious is this? A crippled piglet’s mom did not give up on him and now he’s as good as new! Check out this pics! Added: 3/19/10
Source: “How the Little Piggy Who Couldn't Walk Was Saved From the Chop.” Mail Online. 19 Mar. 2010.
Source: Leadbeater, Chris. “Baby Giraffe Caught on Camera: Astonishing Safari Photographs Show the First Moments of a New Calf's Life in Kenya's Masai Mara.” Mail Online. 18 Mar. 2010.
Source: “Surfin' Safari: Peruvian Dog Trainer Teaches Alpaca to Ride the Waves.” Mail Online. 18 Mar. 2010.
-A jewelry store owner’s dog in Maryland swallowed a $20,000 diamond! Ahh...thank goodness for nature! Added: 3/14/10
Source: McShane, Larry. “Diamond in The Ruff! Dog Swallows $20K Gem.” The New York Daily News. 13 Mar. 2010.
Source: Nelson, Katie. “Brooklyn Mutt Show Awards Odd Dogs to Raise Funds for the Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition.” The New York Daily News. 14 Mar. 2010.
Source: Fugate, Maria. “Missing Dog Found 600 Miles from Home.” The New York Daily News. 4 Mar. 2010.
Source: Oliviero, Helena. “Naming Your Pet When Spot Just Won't Do.” Atlanta Journal Constitution. 5 Mar. 2010.
Source: Sacks, Amy. “My Bunny Love: New York's Rabbit Rescue & Rehab Holds Speed-Dating Sessions for Bunnies.” NY Daily News. 27 Feb. 2010.
Source: “Knit One, Cluck One: Somerset Craft Club Keeps Bald Rescue Hens Warm by Knitting Woolly Jumpers for Them.” Mail Online. 26 Feb. 2010.
-Not really a happy tale, but this shows how dangerous alcohol and tobacco is...to all living creatures. Added: 2/26/10
Source: “Boozy Ape Sent to Rehab.” The Gazette. 26 Feb. 2010.
-According to this article, humans can learn a lot about relationships by watching animals. Added: 2/20/10
Source: Fletcher, Mark. “Grr! You Bring Out the Animal in Me: The Lessons in Courtship We Can Learn From Dolphins, Pandas and Frogs this Valentine's Day.” 12 Feb. 2010.
Source: “Rare Blond Grizzly Challenges Brown Adversary to Bear-Knuckle Fight.” Mail Online. 16 Feb. 2010.
-Diabetic dolphins? Some scientists believe studying diabetic dolphins might help them to find a cure for humans! Added: 2/20/10
Source: Derbyshire, David. “Dolphins Could Hold the Key to Curing Diabetes (Because they Can Switch Condition On and Off).” Mail Online. 20 Feb. 2010.
Source: “Pet Cat Credited with Saving Lives in Fire. UPI. 18 Jan. 2010.
Source: “Runaway Cat Back Home After Nine Years.” UPI. 12 Feb. 2010.
Source: Swanson, Al. “Pets: Are They Who We Think They Are?” UPI. 13 Feb. 2010.
Source: “Woman Keeps World’s Largest Rodent as a Pet.” MSNBC.com. 12 Feb. 2010.
-These sea creatures, urchins, have no eyes but they can detect light with their spines! Added: 2/6/10
Source: Kaplan, Matt. “Eyeless Urchins "See" with Spines.” National Geographic. 5 Feb. 2010.
-More evidence that animals of all types have emotions and mourn the deaths of other animals...or people. Added: 2/6/10
Source: Sacks, Amy. “More than Puppy Love: Animals Form Strong Love Bond with Each Other and with their Owners.” NY Daily News. 6 Feb. 2010.
-A brave British army search dog, who found bombs and weapons planted by the Taliban in Afghanistan, will be awarded the canine equivalent of the Victoria Cross, a high-level military honor in Great Britain. Added: 2/6/10
Source: “Heroic Search Dog to be Given 'Victoria Cross' for Finding Roadside Bombs in Afghanistan.” Mail Online. 6 Feb. 2010.
-Check out video of this squid that can turn itself inside out to avoid being caught by a predator! Added: 2/6/10
Source: “Vampire Squid Turns "Inside Out.” National Geographic. 3 Feb. 2010.
Source: “Stranded Seal Rescued in Boston.” UPI. 5 Feb. 2010.
Source: Soltis, Andy. “Impala’s Cat Toy.” NY Post. 30 Jan. 2010.
Source: Morrison, Paul. “Who is Nature's Biggest Gossip? The Dolphin? The Chimpanzee? No, it's the Humble Prairie Dog.” Mail Online. 30 Jan. 2010.
Source: Petre, Jonathan. “The Tell Tail Clue to a Happy Dog...They Wag It to the Left.” Mail Online. 30 Jan. 2010.
-This is so amazing! A chihuahua is raising a litter of teeny, tiny kittens! Along side her OWN LITTER of puppies! You MUST see the pic! Added: 1/30/10
Source: Mail Online. “Tinkerbell the Tiny Chihuahua Spreads her Puppy Love to Three KITTENS.” 29 Jan. 2010.
Source: “Missy the Cat Gets World's First Feline Knee Replacement.” 25 Jan. 2010.
Source: “Lonely Hoots Club: Pet Owl's Nightly Mating Calls Enrage the Neighbours.” Mail Online. 28 Jan. 2010.
Source: Micolucci, Vic. “Planes Train Endangered Cranes to Migrate.” NPR. 23 Jan. 2010.
-A woman left her estate to her cats. This is very thoughtful because so many people do not provide for their pets in case of their passing. Added: 1/17/10
Source: “Woman Leaves Cats a Home, Trust Fund.” UPI. 17 Jan. 2010.
Source: Warren, Scott. “Need Honey? I've Got It Licked: Meet the Bear With the Foot-Long Tongue.” Mail Online. 15 Jan. 2010.
-It may no longer be necessary to dissect fish in biology classes now that see through fish have been created! Added: 1/17/10
Source: Dell'Amore, Christine. “See-Through Goldfish Bred; Cuts Out Need for Dissection.” National Geographic Online. 13 Jan. 2010.
Source: “Meet Dillie, the Domesticated Deer Who Eats Linguine in Her Owners' Bed.” Mail Online. 13 Jan. 2010.
Source: “Evidence of Dogs' Sixth-Sense: Labrador Bolts from U.S. Office Before Earthquake Tremors Strike Building.” Mail Online. 13 Jan. 2010.
Source: “I'm the King of the Singers! Orang-Utan Mother Impresses Her Baby by Appearing to Belt Out a Song.” Daily Mail. 1 Jan. 2010.
Source: Fridono, Judy. “From Service Dog to SURFice Dog.” www.puppyprodigies.org via You Tube.
-Stinky skunks! Well-intentioned town officials in New Jersey relocated several skunks, but the result was residents blasted by skunk funk! Added: 12/26/09
Source: “Skunk Relocation Stinks to Town Residents.” UPI.com 21 Dec. 2009.
Source: “Man Presumed Dead, Pet Dog Miraculously Reunite After Baghdad Blast.” AP via Foxnews.com. 9 Dec. 2009.
-Here is an article that is a compilation of stories about animals who were rescued. Happy endings! Added: 12/22/09
Source: Peters, Sharon, L. “A Year of Amazing Pet Rescues.” USA Today. 22 Dec. 2009.
-The House Rabbit Society’s St. Louis chapter shelters pet rabbits for people who are going through a crisis. Added: 12/18/09
Source: Peters, Sharon L. “Pet Talk: Rabbit Helped Woman Survive, Escape Domestic Abuse.” 16 Dec. 2009.
-Some domestic violence shelters allow people to bring their pets with them. This is wonderful because the trauma of having to leave an abusive situation is difficult as it is. It is devastating for someone to have to part with their pet. Added: 12/18/09
Source: Peters, Sharon L. “A Haven for Abuse Victims Who Keep Their Pets Close.” USA Today. 17 Mar. 2008.
-This has to be the world’s smallest working wheelchair. Check out this guinea pig! Added: 12/11//09
Source: “Patch the Guinea Pig Gets New Lease of Life...with Rodent Wheelchair.” Mail Online. 11 Dec. 2009.
-A rabbit in England has copied the behavior of the dog he lives with. The rabbit now only eats dog food, grooms people, and begs for food on his hind legs! You have got to see these pics! Added; 12/11/09
Source: “Giant Pet Rabbit that Thinks He's a Dog After Copying Behaviour of Family's Cocker Spaniel.” Mail Online. 11 Dec. 2009.
-Actress Katherine Heigl is the best! She just saved the lives of 25 chihuahuas by having her foundation, the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation, donate $25,000 to have the dogs flown to a humane society chapter in New Hampshire for adoption. She is amazing! Added: 12/5/09
Source: Hogan, Katy. “Katherine Heigl's Foundation Saves the Lives of 25 Chihuahuas.” People Pets. 3 Dec. 2009.
-This is so cute! This pig loves to jump on her family’s trampoline! Check out the pic! Added: 12/5/09
Source: “Pigs Really Can Fly....with the Help of a Trampoline.” Telegraph.co.uk. 5 Dec. 2009.
Source: “Deer Freed After Hudson River Swim.” UPI. 2 Dec. 2009.
Source: Huriash, Lisa J. “Owner Says He's Picking Pet Pig Over His Home.” Sun Sentinel. 15 Nov. 2009.
-This affects your pets because if you are happy, then your pets are happy: A new study shows that psychotherapy can make you happier than money! Added: 11/28/09
Source: “Psychotherapy Can Boost Happiness More Than Money: Study.” Health Day—via Yahoo!. 28 Nov. 2009.
-A woman heard hissing in her kitchen and she thought it was one of her dogs. It was not. Added: 11/26/09
Source: “That Hissing in Lakebay, Wash., Woman's Kitchen Turns Out to be 4-Foot-Long Python.” AP. 25 Nov. 2005
Source: Ryan, Kelly. “Pet Pig Puts Wind Up Family as Farting Prompts Gas Leak Fears.” Herald Sun. 27 Nov. 2009.
-A chihuahua won a “cutest dog competition” and won $1 million! And the dog’s owner donated the money to two animal shelters! How awesome is that?! Added: 11/26/09
Source: Barber, Randy & Torres, Kevin. “Dr. Papidies: Colorado's $1 Million Dog.” 9News.com. 26 Nov. 2009.
Source: Szabo, Julie. “Fat Camp for Fido -When Your Pooch Pooches Out, Bone Up on Nutrition.” NY Post. 22 Nov. 2009.
Source: “Dumbo of the Deep: Discovered in the Ocean Abyss, the Elephant-Eared Octopod.” Mail Online. 22 Nov. 2009.
Source: “Insects May Have Consciousness and Could Even Be Able to Count, Claim Experts.” Mail Online. 17 Nov. 2009.
Source: “Pet Therapy Helps Decrease Painkillers.” UPI. 17 Nov. 2009.
-Kinky Friedman, the famous musician and comedian, is an animal lover. Read about his animal rescue efforts here! Added: 11/14/09
Source: Smith, Cat. “Kinky Friedman’s Pet Parade Has Hungry Armadillo, Gassy Horses.” Bloomberg.com. 14 Nov. 2009.
Source: AP. “Lawsuit Claiming Monkey is Service Animal Rejected.” 24 Oct. 2009.
Source: Pitman, Todd. “W. Africa's Last Giraffes Make Surprising Comeback.” AP. 8 Nov. 2009.
Source: Gelineau, Kristen. “Study: Fiddler Crabs Exchange Sex for Survival.” AP. 4 Nov. 2009.
-This article highlights the growing popularity of houses of worship allowing people to bring their pets with them to pray. Added: 11/8/09
Source: “All Dogs WILL Go to Heaven! LA Pastor Starts Canine-Friendly Church.” AP via The New York Daily News. 4 Nov. 2009.
-This is a cool new litter box that helps to keep your pooch away from what they might view as a buffet. Added: 11/8/09
Source: Szabo, Julie. “Cat’s Outta the Box: Clever Litter Option Helps Modernize Home Design.” The New York Post. 1 Nov. 2009
Source: “Lip Service: Giraffe Enjoys a Grooming Session from a Tiny Feathered Friend.” Mail Online. 27 Oct. 2009.
-This adorable pig acts like a dog and spends her days playing and enjoying life with a bunch of pooches! Added: 10/23/09
Source: “Pig Barks Up the Wrong Tree: Prudence the Porker Thinks She's a Dog.” Mail Online. 21 Oct. 2009.
-No surprise here: animals have feelings and can teach children valuable skills and life lessons. Added: 10/16/09
Source: Greco Deming, Jane. “Pet Expert: Animals Have Feelings, Too. Pass It On…” USA Today. 16 Oct. 2009.
-This is such a cute story! An abandoned piglet, named Apple Sauce, was taken in by a Rottweiler, Sasha, and she is being nursed among Sasha’s pups! The pics are amazing! Added: 10/16/09
Source: “Ruff Love: How a Rottweiler Saved a Runt Piglet's Bacon.” Mail Online. 15 Oct. 2009.
Source: Mail Foreign Service. “Pictured: The Supercat Called Scarlett's Magic That is the World's Tallest Pet Feline.” Mail Online. 15 Oct. 2009.
Source: McCorquodale, Sara. “The Jungle Book: Astonishing Pictures of What Animals Do... When They Think No One is Looking.” Mail Online. 11 Oct. 2009.
Source: English, Rebecca. “Prickly Problem for Animal Lover Who Has Adopted 24 Mischievous Pygmy Hedgehogs.” Mail Online. 9 Oct. 2009
-Finally a pig you can realistically have as a pet because the critter will max out between 40 and 65 pounds! “Micro pigs” are the size of a tea cup when you get bring them home, and they are very clean and friendly. Click the link to see adorable pics and a video! Added: 10/7/09
Source: “Tiny Porkers with a Big Price Tag: £700 'Micro-Pigs' are the Latest Celebrity Pet Craze.” Mail Online.. 7 Oct. 2009.
Source: Gordon, Sarah. “World's First Worm Hotel Opens for Eco-Minded Pet Owners.” Mail Online. 6 Oct. 2009.
Source: The Suburban Snake Charmer” Grandmother Fills Her Home with 45 Slithering Reptiles.” Mail Online. 1 Oct. 2009.
Source: “Pepe Le HUGE: Pet Skunk on Strict Diet After Ballooning on Diet of Bacon Butties.” Daily Mail. 30 Sept. 2009.
-Yeah! Great Britain is allowing its troops stationed in Iraq to bring home some dogs they met there. Added: 10/1/09
Source: “Sandbag the Dog Befriended by Troops in Iraq is Flown to Safety in Iraq.” Mail Online. 30 Sept. 2009.
Source: Narain, Jay. “Baa-king Mad Custody Battle! A Little Girl’s Tug of Love Turns Lucy the Sheep into Piggy in the Middle.” Mail Online. 30 Sept. 2009.
Source: Rawstorne, Tom. “I’m Smarter Than I Look: How a Colony of Chimps Deep in the African Jungle Have Taught Themselves to Use Tools. 26 Sept. 2009.
Source: Heussner, Ki Mae. “Animal Odd Couples: Unlikely Duos Find Friendship—National Geographic's 'Unlikely Animal Friends' Explores Unusual Animal Bonds.” ABC News. 25 Sept. 2009.
Source: “Missing Pet Snake Turns Up Inside Car.” Rutland & Stamford Mercury. 25 Sept. 2009.
Source: “22lb Cat Socrates is Signed Up to the PDSA's Pet Fit Club.” Mail Online. 23 Sept. 2009.
Source: “Demand for 'Spider-Man' Lizard Soars Due to Uncanny Resemblance to Marvel Comic Hero.” Mail Online. 21 Sept. 2009.
-Wow! This turtle survived a trek across a highway in England where cars sped by at 70 mph! Added: 9/19/09
Source: Allen, Vanessa. “The M25 Slowcoach: Tortoise Who Wandered Across Five Lanes of Rush-Hour Traffic.” Mail Online. 19 Sept. 2009.
Source: “One-Month-Old Twin Panda Cubs... No Wonder Doting Mum Has Dark Circles Under Her Eyes.” Mail Online. 19 Sept. 2009.
-Barbra Streisand is in trouble with her fans after her friend was the winner of Streisand’s “Cutest Pet Contest.” Added: 9/17/09
Source: “Barbra in Pooch-Gate.” Page Six—The New York Post. 17 Sept. 2009.
-Surfing dogs! Scroll down to the pooch in the hula skirt and sunglasses...priceless! Added: 9/17/09
Source: “Dog Days of Summer: Surfing Pets Take to the Water for Charity. Mail Online. 12 Sept. 2009.
Source: Derbyshire, David. “100m in 6.13 Seconds: Faster than Usain Bolt, Sarah the Cheetah, the World’s Quickest Cat.” 14 Sept. 2009.
-I put a link to this article because I think it is important to show how animals can have such a positive impact on humans. I think it is very sad and very foolish of this town to deny people the ability to have a pig as a pet. Pigs are very intelligent and they are easy to train. I feel very sad for the little boy at the center of this story. Added: 9/11/09
Source: Netter, Sarah. “Boy With Austim Devastated After City Bans Pet Pig—Family Says Pot Bellied Pig Helped Anthony Pia Function with Autism.” ABCNEWS.com 10 Sept. 2009.
-Yikes! Rats the size of cats! Plus dozens of other animals were just found in Papua New Guinea. Added: 9/7/09
Source: Revoir, Paul. “The Rat That's the Size of a Cat: BBC Team Discovers 40 New Species in 'Lost World'.” Mail Online. 7 Sept. 2009.
Source: Bates, Daniel. “I'm in Doggy Paddle Therapy: How Hydrotherapy Saved Pepper the Disabled Dachshund.” Mail Online. 7 Sept. 2009.
Source: Sacks, Amy. “Dog Lullabies and Cat Tales Make Up Latest Offering of Pet-Themed Books.” NY Daily News. 5 Sept. 2009.
Source: Szabo, Julie. “Spoiled Cats, Dogs—Fluffy and Fido Get Top-Notch Treatment and Fancy Feasts.” NY Post. 6 Sept. 2009.
-It is important to take into account that any change in your household, such as your child returning to school or you spending more time at home because of the loss of a job, can affect your pets’ behavior. Added: 9/7/09
Source: “Back to School Time Can Affect Pet Behavior.” DeWitt-Bath Review via Lansing Journal. 6 Sept. 2009.
-The daughter of the late author Roald Dahl, who wrote, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” among other treasured works, has four rescued cats and a pig! She is very active in animal rescues. Added: 9/4/09
Source: Boshoff, Alison. “Tessa Dahl: ‘I’m So Glad Sophie’s Marrying Jamie Cullum.’” Mail Online. 3 Sept. 2009.
Source: MacRae, Fiona. “Monkeys Are Hairy Little Headbangers.” Mail Online. 2 Sept. 2009.
Source: “Pet Fashion Week Sizzles with Hot New Trends.” kivitv.com
Source: Harris, Richard. “Music Written for Monkeys Strikes a Chord.” NPR.com 2 Sept. 2009.
-This vet believes she can tell you what an animal is trying to say...when they bark, meow, etc. This story is worth a listen. Added: 9/1/09
Source: “Veterinarian Translates Barks and Meows.” NPR—via “Fresh Air”—WHYY. 31 Aug. 2009.
-This article describes a great documentary about cats that was created by actress Joanna Lumley. Added: 9/1/09
Source: Oliver, Sarah. “Absolutely Miaowvellous: Joanna Lumley on the Lifelong Love that Began When She Pulled a Kitten From a Well.” Mail Online. 31 Aug. 2009.