Below are some tips and ideas that will help you to have healthy and happy pets:
NEVER leave your pet unattended in a car. Besides the temperature not being regulated in an non-powered automobile, pets are frequently stolen from cars and sold to research facilities. Please do not leave your pet in your car. Trust me...your pet will be much happier, and safer, waiting for you at home.
Has your cat had an accident on the floor, or on your bed? Quite often cats defecate outside of their litter boxes because they are trying to communicate to you that they are sick. Your first step should be to take your cat to the vet for a check up. My cat was leaving little presents on the floor and I brought her to the vet. It turned out she had a bladder infection and she was trying to tell me that she did not feel well. Please do not get upset with your cat if he or she has an accident. It just might mean that he or she is sick.
Dog treats are good to give your pooch occasionally, but why not try carrots? My dogs LOVE them and they cannot get enough of them!. Make sure you do not over do it, but carrots are a nutritious snack and they help older dogs who might have difficulty going to the bathroom.
Have your dog or cat spayed (for females) or neutered (for males). I have heard the excuse, “I want my child to experience the miracle of birth first hand,” or, “I just want one litter of puppies,” or, “I just want one litter of kittens.” If you want a puppy or a kitten, you can find one at your local animal shelter or on Pet Finder. Did you know that 3-4 million dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens are euthanized every year because homes for them could not be found? If you want to witness the miracle of birth, there are dozens of DVDs available and you can see it for yourself.